Toolkit 6 Tip: Using the Judgment Audit
Posted by: Doug Gerlach 9/21/2011 2:18:39 PM

The Judgment Audit function in Toolkit 6 is a great way to check your work before completing your stock study.

Never complete a stock study in Toolkit 6 without consulting the Judgment Audit screen.

TK6 Judgment Audit

From the Stock Study window, click the Audit button on the toolbar to display the Judgment Audit. Here you'll find a list of any required steps that you have not completed, a summary of results, and a list of "Items to Check." Any items highlighted with a red checkmark indicate a potential problem with your study, which could include forecasting EPS or Sales growth faster in the future than it has been in the past, selecting future P/E Ratios that may be too high, or if your study results in potential total return that's too low.

Click on any highlighted item to display the reasons why the item is checked; click the "More Information" button to get the full story. If you see too many warnings here, it may be a sign to move on to another stock!