A Couple of Improvements to Take Stock
Posted by: Doug Gerlach 4/25/2007 9:56:00 PM

In response to some member suggestions, we've added a couple of other bits of information to Take Stock.

In response to StockCentral member Martin Eckerle's suggestion, we've added another bit of information to Take Stock. Martin asked if we could display the industry group of a company somewhere in results.

We listened, and it's now listed at the top of the main analysis screen once you've entered a ticker symbol. We also added it to the top of the first page of the TSSW.

And Armin Fields asked if we could show the resulting EPS growth rate in cases when the Business Model EPS forecast is lower than the EPS reached by the initial projected EPS growth rate. That rate will now appear in red text at the very bottom right corner of the TSSW front page when applicable. (For a current example, see the current Take Stock analysis of Bed, Bath and Beyond.)

We'll be adding a few more Take Stock features quite soon, so stay tuned. And if you have any suggestions for the tools on StockCentral, drop them in the Suggestion Box.