Using StockCentral's New Price Charts
Posted by: Doug Gerlach 4/10/2013 9:38:55 PM

Our new price charts have been phenomenally popular! If you missed our first two introductory webinars with Saul Seinberg, here's how you can find the archived videos and handouts.

We conducted two webinars with Saul Seinberg, a noted investment education instructor and user of Toolkit 6 and other ICLUBcentral tools. Saul is an avid user of technical price charts, and we were happy that he agreed to present two webinars on using StockCentral's new price charting tool.

Part I of the Basics of Technical Price Charting with StockCentral is available here in the StockCentral Workshops forum and can be viewed directly on the website. The handout is available below the video. 

Part II of the series can be viewed in the same forum, and also has a handout available.

If you have questions about the tool, Saul is currently answering questions from StockCentral users, as well. You can post your own questions, too!

We all hope that you find the price charts to be another important tool in your investing toolbox.